Impact of Cigarettes for Your Fetus

A study in England found that many pregnant women in England do not consider the impact their smoking to the fetus. Are you one of them? If the answer is "yes", then you should continue reading this article. You must know the impact of cigarette you smoke for the growth and development of your fetus.
A research conducted by the University of Cardiff, Nottingham, Bristol and Warwick found the conclusion that pregnant women who smoke during pregnancy risk of making their children exposed to mental symptoms such as delusions and hallucinations. This research is part of a long-term study of the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children to examine how genetics and environment affect health.
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Bad Effects of Alcohol on Fetus

Doctors advise pregnant women not to consume alcohol during pregnancy. These suggestions have certainly based on some research results, as I wrote earlier. Basically, alcohol can give a bad impact for the development of the fetus when the mother consumed during her pregnancy.

During pregnancy, your baby is growing inside your womb. Food and beverages you consume will be consumed by your baby as well, and of course this can affect your baby. Consuming alcohol can interfere with infant growth, such as causing physical disruption and permanent behavior.
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The Effects of Alcohol on Pregnant Women (2)

It is better for us to believe that the impact of alcohol is bad for pregnant women and their babies. We've read the studies conducted by experts from the American College of obstetricians and Gynecologists and the American Academy of Pediatrics about the impact of alcohol for pregnant women in the article before. From the results of these studies clearly stated consequences which can be caused by alcohol to the fetus is the occurrence of damage to the central brain of the fetus, or often referred to as Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS).
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The Effects of Alcohol on Pregnant Women (1)

In some previous articles have mentioned a variety of foods and beverages should be avoided during pregnancy. One type of beverage that advisable not to drink is alcohol. How the influence of alcohol on pregnant women?

Maybe you've read that there are few obstetricians who say that alcohol does not give effects that are harmful to a pregnant woman and her baby. Maybe you've read also that the harmful effects of alcohol only on the first eight weeks of gestation. After that alcohol is not dangerous, both for the pregnant woman and to the fetus. If you are currently pregnant and the chance you are an alcoholic, maybe this is a good news for you. But is this so?
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Every Womans Guide For Eating During Pregnancy

An Article by : Karin I Manning

Healthy eating during pregnancy is absolutely essential for both you and your baby. Keep reading to learn every woman's guide for eating during pregnancy.
Although you are eating for yourself and your baby this does not mean that you can eat double what you would normally eat. You don't necessarily have to eat much more than you normally would. The key here is to ensure that the foods that you do eat are full of healthy nutrients to help with your baby's full development in the womb.
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Hidden Chemicals and Foods to Avoid When Pregnant

An Article by Isabel De Los Rios

Ask any expectant mother what foods to avoid when pregnant and she will list several well-known dangers: alcohol, tobacco products, drugs and medications.
Savvier moms-to-be will have a slightly longer list of foods to avoid when pregnant: salmon, tuna and other apex predatory fish, honey, and soft cheeses such as brie and soy products. Many of these foods raise eyebrows when listed since they are usually considered to be part of a healthy diet during pregnancy; however, they could pose a serious danger to baby.

Reverse the Question: What Can Mom Eat When Pregnant?
Reversing the question to ask mothers to list what to eat when pregnant and the list will be quite different. Usual inclusions will be foods like lean meats, green leafy vegetables, milk and fruits.
Yet it is sad to note that many of the hidden chemical dangers in these foods included as part of a "healthy" diet during pregnancy actually makes them quite toxic. Expectant mothers sacrifice many of their favorite pleasures during pregnancy and lactation: the morning cup of coffee, the perfect wine with dinner or their favorite teas, chocolates and other adult treats.
On the flipside, they force feed themselves heaps of broccoli, brussel sprouts, liver, spinach and other not-so-favorite foods all in an effort to secure the very best diet during pregnancy for their new baby's health. Yet these foods are sprayed with chemicals, which counteract that goal.
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The Benefits of High Nutritious Foods

In the article about Pregnancy and Nutrition before, I said that a pregnant woman must pay attention to nutrition content of foods they consumed every day. Nutritional deficiencies can give a bad impact for both pregnant women and for her fetus.

What foods have high nutritional content? I have written too, in the article. Here I want to describe the benefits of the foods that contain high nutrition for the health. Hopefully it can be used as a pregnancy eating guide during your pregnancy.
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Pregnancy and Nutrition

A study shows the close relationship between pregnancy and nutrition. The study was conducted on 1950 pregnant women who experience nutritional deficiencies during the first eight weeks of her pregnancy. The result is, most pregnant women with nutritional deficiencies are at high risk of death or miscarriage. Meanwhile, the pregnant women with adequate nutrition can stay healthy during pregnancy and can deliver a healthy baby as well. Impact of nutritional deficiencies during pregnancy can also cause neurological disorders in infants, and the baby has a degenerative disease risk is greater.
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What Not To Eat While Pregant (2)

Understanding about what not to eat while pregnant during pregnancy can help your child grow better in his/her life. Understanding about the foods you should avoid during pregnancy is very important, especially for your baby.

In the article before I have wrote some kinds of food you should avoid while you are pregnant. In this article I write some kinds more. I hope it can help you to decide what not to eat while pregnant.
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