Hidden Chemicals and Foods to Avoid When Pregnant

An Article by Isabel De Los Rios

Ask any expectant mother what foods to avoid when pregnant and she will list several well-known dangers: alcohol, tobacco products, drugs and medications.
Savvier moms-to-be will have a slightly longer list of foods to avoid when pregnant: salmon, tuna and other apex predatory fish, honey, and soft cheeses such as brie and soy products. Many of these foods raise eyebrows when listed since they are usually considered to be part of a healthy diet during pregnancy; however, they could pose a serious danger to baby.

Reverse the Question: What Can Mom Eat When Pregnant?
Reversing the question to ask mothers to list what to eat when pregnant and the list will be quite different. Usual inclusions will be foods like lean meats, green leafy vegetables, milk and fruits.
Yet it is sad to note that many of the hidden chemical dangers in these foods included as part of a "healthy" diet during pregnancy actually makes them quite toxic. Expectant mothers sacrifice many of their favorite pleasures during pregnancy and lactation: the morning cup of coffee, the perfect wine with dinner or their favorite teas, chocolates and other adult treats.
On the flipside, they force feed themselves heaps of broccoli, brussel sprouts, liver, spinach and other not-so-favorite foods all in an effort to secure the very best diet during pregnancy for their new baby's health. Yet these foods are sprayed with chemicals, which counteract that goal.

Organic Options Erase Common Food Concerns during Pregnancy
Organic foods are gaining traction and garnering much attention in recent years. Simply choosing an organic food choice over non-organic options erases all of these concerning toxins.
Organic foods are produced without added chemicals of any kind at any point in their journey from the farm to the consumer's dinner table. This means there is no chance of pesticides, chemical fertilizers and other hazardous materials slipping through the blood stream to disrupt baby's healthy growth and development.

Are the Benefits of Health Food Worth the Cost for Expectant Parents?
Consumers new to the idea of organic eating often note the heftier price tag attached to a bag of apples or pound of chicken. It is true organic foods can cost more, but there are ways to bring the budget back into balance.
First off, the grocery store is not the only source of organic foods. Thinking outside the shopping cart can reduce organic costs considerably. Many communities sponsor farmer's markets. Cutting out the grocery store middleman's mark-up brings organic foods into any consumer's reach.
Monetary cost on the receipt is also not the only dollar amount to consider. Organic foods are a generally healthier option, which means the body of both mother, and baby will likewise be healthier. An increase in health usually results in a decrease in medical bills.
In the end, the choice to eat organically produced foods will eliminate a whole host of chemicals and foods to avoid while pregnant, making a happier, healthier baby.
Isabel De Los Rios, nutritionist, exercise specialist, author and successful business owner has unlocked the secrets to healthy weight maintenance not only for life but during the especially crucial time of pregnancy. Find out which foods to avoid when pregnant at http://www.WhatToEatWhilePregnant.com.

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